The Ultimate Back to School Checklist

Back to School Checklist

Back to School Checklist

The summer sun is setting and making way for the new dawn of the academic year. With the new school year upon us, it’s an exciting yet stressful time to remember all the things you need to do before you go back to school. Whether you’re trying to figure out stylish clothing to wear or picking the best classes for your schedule, we’ve put together the ultimate back-to-school checklist.

  • Put Together Your School Supplies — Besides reading this checklist, you’ll also want to create your own checklist of essential school supplies like planners, backpacks, pens, and notebooks. Make sure you have everything you need for your first day back to school. If you commute to college or have a locker at school, keep an extra pair of stylish jeans in your backpack, car, or locker whenever you need to change clothes for working out or after-school events.
  • Organize Your Digital Tools — If physical planners aren’t your thing, try staying organized with digital tools. You can use apps on your phone and computer to help you keep track of assignments, deadlines, and any important events going on at school.
  • Set Goals — Do you have any personal or academic goals for the school? You can break it down into smaller goals to achieve by semester, month, or even each week. Prioritize your goals and tasks to stay motivated and focused.
  • Plan Your Schedule — Double-check your class schedule and extracurricular commitments. If your schedule seems especially busy, you’ll want to build in time to have a healthy social life and practice self-care effectively while balancing academics. It may mean spending one night a week with friends or hanging out with your bestie while you’re working out at the gym together.
  • Familiarize Yourself — If you’re in high school, get to know your school layout and the classrooms you’ll be in this year. For college women, you’ll want to explore your campus and familiarize yourself with the different buildings, including where the library is and where you can find student services before classes begin.
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  • Connect with Classmates — The start of the school year is a great time to make new friends and reconnect with old classmates. Having a supportive social network at school can make the transition back more enjoyable.
  • Find Resources — Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If your school has resources like tutoring, academic advisors, career centers, or even mental health counselors or guidance counselors, see what they can do for you to help you achieve academic success.
  • Refresh Your Knowledge — When you’re in high school, it can be helpful to brush up on your knowledge of last year’s concepts to help you ease back into the academic world. If you’re a college student, that may look like getting refreshers on subjects related to your major.
  • Plan Healthy Meals — To help you maintain healthy energy levels throughout the day, it’s best to be prepared by having small and frequent nutritious snacks and healthy meals before and after class. Plan healthy meals in advance so you don’t end up snacking on junk food or reaching for unhealthy food and drinks when you’re hungry or get cravings. Try simple snacks to enjoy throughout the day, such as mini zucchini pizzas, and easy-to-make meals like curry couscous or oven-baked salmon.
  • Get Involved in Clubs — Join clubs that align with your goals and interests. There are plenty of organizations out there looking for members or potential leaders like yourself! If you’re looking for a way to make friends and connections, or simply gain valuable life experience, after-school clubs and extracurricular activities are the way to go.
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  •  Refresh Your Wardrobe — As we head into the fall, you’ll need comfortable and weather-appropriate clothing. When we think about the back-to-school fall season, we often think about sweaters and layering up. While autumn is a great time to wear your sweater and jeans, it’s also a great time to experiment with chic dresses for the fall.
  • Sleep Enough — Prioritizing your sleep and having a consistent sleep schedule will enhance your focus and improve your overall mental and physical well-being. Whenever you need a bit more sleep and don’t have time to figure out what to wear in the morning, plan out your outfits in advance. A pair of cute shorts with a long-sleeved top or sweater is a simple yet chic look that’s easy to get into and quick to put together.


Going back to school is a thrilling time where you’ll learn new things and socialize with familiar people and maybe make some new friends. To help you dress the part, there are plenty of stylish women’s clothing that work well for women of all ages. For the high-schooler looking for dressier options or the college woman seeking comfy yet trendy pieces, you’re sure to find the perfect look to make the most of every moment of your school year.

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