Discover the health benefits of wearing light clothing

In addition to betting on comfort, choosing light clothing can also improve our mood, as it allows us to move more freely and feel less oppressed.
The fashions set the trend that then reaches the street, that is, our lives . The studied advertising campaigns look for the best strategy to send us the message they want and, thus, increase sales. However, many times, these dress trends are not the healthiest options for our body. So today we are going to share the benefits of wearing light clothing.
In this type of clothing we can find a feeling of freedom, lightness and comfort that will also affect our health . It is obvious that the clothes must go according to the situation or the event that we attend. However, within that protocol, we can choose light and comfortable clothing for the occasion.
The importance of choosing clothes
When choosing our wardrobe we should always keep in mind why we wear one clothing or another. That is, who influences us in our decision. It is important to have a critical view of trends that we gradually accept as normal. We must develop a critical spirit and try not to be victims of advertising .
Clothing is increasingly becoming the way to express the image we want to give , beyond fulfilling the function of providing comfort. The tendency to be mimetic, to copy what the masses do, or the famous ones, can lead us to lose our own essentials when dressing.
Underwear too
One of the garments that take on special importance when choosing light clothing are the interiors. In the case of men’s underwear, it should not be so tight or excessively compress the sexual organs . This can pose health risks and is related to infection problems and male infertility. Tight-fitting underpants cause irritation and perspiration, and can be a focus of germ creation in continuous contact.
In the case of women, we find a great need to opt for more comfortable bras , adapted to the natural shape of the breast . Nowadays there is a trend towards beautiful and sensual clothes that do not cause too much pressure.
Benefits of wearing light clothing
1. For our health
- Circulation : if the clothes are not very tight, the body more easily removes excess fluids. In this way, it improves our cardiovascular health . Tight clothing eventually causes numbness in the thighs.
- Digestion : we must choose clothes of our size and thus avoid many unnecessary problems. For example, wearing tight-fitting pants can cause heartburn, discomfort in the abdomen, and excessive gas production. The continued use of girdles causes reflux, acidity and hinders digestion in the stomach.
- Skin health : to have healthy skin we must also allow it to breathe. Using synthetic fabrics too close to the skin can cause irritation, dryness and other skin problems.
2. For our spirits
- Feeling of freedom : light clothing gives us a feeling of freedom . In fact, the simple fact that no garment compresses us increases our freedom of movement. We can develop with greater security since we end up not paying attention to clothing and we also stop having limitations and tensions.
- Less sedentary lifestyle : wearing light, comfortable clothing invites you to exercise more. Surely we will be more predisposed to walk longer if the clothes are light. If we go shopping in the city, we will have a better day if the clothes do not squeeze us and if the shoes are comfortable.
- Better mood : wearing light clothing improves our character. Wearing a garment that oppresses or bothers us can provoke a bad mood or make us more irritable.
How many times has it happened to us that we only want to get home to take off that garment that squeezes us? How many times has a dress ruined a wedding for us because we have to be aware of it every so often? Therefore, the happiness component that choosing our clothes well is important. Having a criterion with personality that is not based on fashion. But, above all, betting on our health. Do you dare to dress to be happy?