Seven Fitness Online Apps You Should Have on your iPhone

Fitness Online Apps
Online fitness apps are becoming increasingly popular as more people have chosen to work out in their homes instead of the regular gym.
These apps are efficient and effective as they help track training and encourage users to develop healthy workouts and eating habits. They can even help you as you play at the best online casino platforms.
This article discusses nine online fitness apps you should have on your mobile to help take your fitness game to the next level and why you should consider using them.
Running is one of the earliest and most common forms of exercise worldwide. RunKeeper is a fitness app that provides an easy way to establish and stick to an exercise routine. It can track laps done in the comfort of your home or street, making it the go-to fitness app.
The app is a free fitness app that helps to track your workout activities as you walk, cycle, hike, and do other fitness activities. With access to your location and daily fitness activity, RunKeeper can track and document your progress on a map. You can have frequent audio updates about your progress on your phone.
The app’s basic functionality is free. However, you can upgrade for $10 monthly to get detailed insights and a tailored plan.
Everyone has one unique exercise they are most comfortable with. It could be jogging, running, swimming, or cycling. This is where the strava app comes in. It is an app specifically made for outdoor workouts. With Strava, you can analyze and track your performance and progress over time. It helps you track your distance, altitude, speed, and calories burned during exercise.
The app also has a community forum where you can share your progress with other users and share ideas. It also contains many predefined running and cycling routes and monthly competitions to keep you motivated.
If your primary fitness goal is to build muscles and get toned, then the Fitboid app is the one for you. Fitbod helps in providing you with different bodybuilding, body sculpting, strength training, and weightlifting exercises. It gives you a customized workout according to the information provided, with insight into how you can effectively hit your goals with these workouts.
When you download the app on your phone, it will ask you to choose your fitness goal and the number of workout sessions per week, after which you will receive a workout plan specific to your goals. The plan will include videos with descriptions of how to perform these workouts. To get the most out of the Fitbod app, you will need to purchase a Fitbod elite subscription.
Fitness Point
Fitness Point is another strength training and bodybuilding app. Each exercise in the Fitness Point app is done with an animation, with a description telling users how to use it and what part of the body the exercise is meant for.
The animations are not as good as real human videos, but you can work with them and get the most out of it, pending when you get bettered by targeting the right body parts during workout sessions.
Fitocracy may be the solution if you believe that workout is a long, tedious task. It incorporates gamification into the actual workouts. You receive points and unlock achievements as you register your achievements on the app.
Fitocracy is primarily a free workout tracker and fitness app with social networking features. Its routines cover everything from cardio to strength training.
To get additional perks and connect with members around the globe, you can pay $5 for a monthly subscription.
Nike Training Club
A Nike app has over 100 workouts in strength, endurance, yoga, and mobility categories. The app helps you to create plans according to your fitness goals, the amount of equipment you want to use, and workout sessions per week.
The Nike Training Club app also makes workout suggestions according to your exercise history and videos on performing these exercises better with great insights.
MyFitnessPal is a fitness app that provides you with access to the largest food database on any calorie counter.
The app has over 6 million foods available to select from. So, whether you are trying to increase your calorie intake or boost your daily protein consumption, this app will help you with the right one for you as well as help you track your weight over time. You also have the liberty to create unavailable foods on the database.