Zumba: Why is exercise in fashion?

Thanks to its multiple modalities, zumba has become the fashionable activity, since we can adapt it to our needs and exercise, almost without realizing it, while having fun.
Perhaps you have seen posters in the gyms or you have heard someone saying that he attends classes. In this article we tell you everything you should know about zumba, a fashionable exercise that allows you to burn up to 800 calories in one hour.
What is zumba
It causes a furor among women of all ages. Zumba is an exercise that combines different dance rhythms : salsa, meringue, mambo, reggaeton, etc.
The classes are based on aerobic choreography that not only allows you to lose weight, but also reduce stress and improve balance and coordination.
- This discipline arose in Colombia, one of the countries where most people dance. For this reason, in classes we can listen to all kinds of rhythms combined with each other with their respective choreographies.
- This exercise tones the muscles and allows you to burn 500 to 800 calories per session (approximately one hour).
- In fact, this study by Texas Tech University has shown its benefits for people suffering from obesity and even type 2 diabetes.
The word “zumba” comes from another widely used among Colombians: “rumba” and which means “party” in that country. The creator of this discipline is a teacher from a gym in the city of Cali named Alberto “Beto” Pérez.
Although it all started in the late 90’s when he decided to turn his classes around and add Latin music, in recent times it has become known in other countries.
Zumba was first exported to the United States in early 2001, and celebrities like Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, and Rihanna spread it. Then he traveled to Europe and the rest of Latin America.
How is zumba training?
It is not necessary to have a previous physical preparation or to have given dance classes. However, we must bear in mind that the risks of injury are serious and the progression of the class depends on the songs that the instructor chooses.
In most cases a more rhythmic rhythm is combined with a slower one. Zumba is more popular with women, and while it may seem like it’s just ” dancing, ” the workout is intense and dynamic .
Each class lasts between 50 and 60 minutes (although there is a half hour modality). It begins with a warm-up and continues with a combination of exercises with music, especially Latin. This type of training provides long-term benefits :
- With the sauce, meringue or bachata movements , calories are burned , stress is eliminated and problems are left aside.
- Music is the special “ingredient” in the classes, since each song has a choreography designed to exercise without getting bored.
- The rhythms are very moving and the steps “catchy”. In each class we can strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular rhythm, sweat and have a great time.
What types of zumba are there?
There are different modalities within the most popular discipline of recent times. Each of them is designed for a particular audience and objective:
The classes are for children and consist of choreography and special music (according to age). The routines are easy to follow and the little ones not only have fun but also:
- They pay more attention.
- They increase self-confidence .
- They develop coordination.
Zumba Gold
The difference from the “normal” zumba classes is that the timing and rhythm are altered. The movements are tailored to the needs of the participants (who are usually elderly). The songs are still salsa, reggaeton or meringue, but slower.
Aqua buzzes
It is a real pool party. In addition to offering physical benefits from traditional classes, it adds the “difficulty” of doing it in the water. The objective is to obtain a better result or to take advantage of the therapeutic benefits of water.
Zumba Toning
It is the most advanced alternative among those who practice zumba. The exercises in each session are designed to increase cardiovascular capacity and muscular endurance.
Special maracas are used to mark times and movements. This program has specific exercises to burn fat .
Zumba Gold Toning
Combine the fun and stressful moves of the zumba with strength training . You start with a low intensity routine and exciting rhythms and gradually increase the loads and speeds.
It allows to increase muscular resistance and bone density, as well as improving posture and coordination and strengthening joints.
Zumba Circuit
This session lasts 30 minutes and combines high intensity exercises with dancing and timed interval routines. It is perfect for burning calories, increasing endurance and improving metabolism .
Zumba Sentao
It is one of the most modern modalities within the zumba. The exercises and choreography are practiced sitting in a chair . They improve the center of gravity, stabilize the body and strengthen cardiovascular health.
Zumba and crossfit : the two exercises of the moment
Although they are two different disciplines, in gyms and academies both are the chosen ones of recent times. Both zumba and crossfit have the ability to :
- Reduce anxiety and stress levels.
- Increase happiness by releasing endorphins.
- Lose weight .
- Mark the figure.
Many people choose to carry out a routine that combines both exercises (for example, twice a week each). Zumba is more aerobic and recreational. Meanwhile, crossfit is designed to build muscle and increase endurance.